About Sundance Airport

Sundance Airport, established and located in Oklahoma City since 1944, has quickly become a leader in the aviation industry.

Acquired by Jerry Hunter in 2013, Sundance is on its way to becoming the most modern and first-class private airport in operation.

Mr. Hunter, along with his staff, have a very specific philosophy when it comes to their work - they do what they're passionate about and therefore yield beautiful results, skipping the category of mediocrity entirely.

The team at Sundance consists of members who are dedicated to aviation and have a personal love for it.

Because of this, many at Sundance have done their homework and can provide clients with over 30 years of sales experience and specialty knowledge in corporate jets and turbo-props.

The management and staff at Sundance are tirelessly committed to providing a world-class airport. Period. In order to do this, they are constantly introducing new tools to the airport that will better foster the continued growth of Sundance's vibrant aviation community.

Interested in these changes and the future direction of Sundance? Read more about upcoming renovations and improvements.

A few other things you may be interested in:

Sundance Fuel & Services

Sundance Airport Specifications

And if you need to get in touch with us, find our address and contact information here.